Les Chevaliers Photographes - Logo


for a Positive and Liberated Vision of Sexuality

In a few words

There is a parallel reality, open to the intimate with kindness, tenderness or poetry. There, prejudices are swept away by sincere curiosity. Differences, far from being obstacles, become sources of enrichment and celebration. Everyone feels free to be authentic, to show themselves as they are, without mask or artifice. This world transcends the boundaries that separate us, revealing the individual and proposing a different approach by society to its challenges, be they social, political or environmental, opening up different paths, both imaginative, phantasmagorical and speculative.

Using the nude as a starting point, the Knights Photographers capture the moments they live, the emotions that cross them, sometimes playing with the codes of staging, living and sharing another way of living the world. They express an artistic sensibility that, beyond aesthetics, seeks to raise awareness of the intimate relationship between man and his environment.

They claim the present, tenderness, passion, questioning prohibitions, social conventions, prejudices, our society, while inviting us to rethink our relationship with nature and our impact on it.

Latest news

Secret Archives, selected by Der Greif, Guest Room – Curated by Nadine Isabelle Henrich, Curator of the House of Photography at the Deichtorhallen in Hamburg, William Camargo, photo-based artist and founder of Latinx Diaspora Archives, – Janvier 2024

Secret Archives Project, selected for the Merlinka Queer Europe Photo Exhibition – Edition 2022 (2 photos)

The Hands Project, selected for the Love And Sex Festival, Namur – Edition 2022

Kataclysm_e project selected for the Festival Emoi Photographiques à Angoulême – Edition 2022

Photo “Le Mont Fuji” – Honorable Mention at the HD Awards 2022 & selected for the Photo.fr 2022

Collective Exhibtion at the Galerie Concorde 2021. 12 œuvres présentées parmi les collections “Secret Archives” et “Censored”.

Secret Restaurat – “An invisible story – Secret Archives ” – 2020.

Included in the Lusted Men – March 2020