Foreign Bodies

Foreign Bodies

Invisible to the naked eye. An extension of ourselves, an integral part of our identity, they are our hidden wealth, they are what makes us unique and magnificent. They reflect our contradictions, they are two sides of the same coin. They are the embodiment of our fears, our ghosts, our struggles, our wounds, our defeats, our lost illusions; and in them are all our conquests, our illusions, our dreams, our movements. They are what we are, they represent our essence, they are the perception of ourselves, and they have the mesmerising beauty of a benevolent gaze that we cast upon them. No more, no less.

Look at them closely. They form a second skin, a comforting and protective shell. They help us to withstand external aggression. They give us the strength to question conformity. They celebrate our diversity and uniqueness. They remind us that normality is relative and that true richness lies in our ability to embrace difference.

Strangers sometimes crumble. In the intimacy of a caress or the warmth of an embrace. Under foreign bodies, skin and flesh are exposed. They reveal the fragility of our existence and our almost tangible vulnerability.